The Japan Overseas Cooperation Volunteer (JOVC) taught the monks of Dechen Phodrang Monastery in Thimphu about the importance of Health and Sports Education through fun activities yesterday.
Monastic schools are often associated with sedentary lifestyle. Such porgrammes are aimed at encouraging monks to adopt healthy lifestyle.
For the spectators, it was a fun event as they watched the young monks cheerfully play football and took part in a tug of war.
For the monks, it was an escape from their daily routine of learning and reciting prayers.
Unlike the schools under the ministry of education, monastic institutions do not have Health and Physical Education (HPE) instructors.
Yesterday’s programme was aimed at promoting the importance of physical and mental fitness among the monks.
“I think all they do is sit and study. They don’t have time to play,” Koya Higa, a Japanese HPE instructor said.
“So, we made them play football and do other physical activities.”
The Japanese volunteers also donated football and volleyball to the monastery with a hope the monks will continue to play games to stay fit and healthy.
The volunteers plan to initiate similar programme in other monastic schools as well.