The government does not have a hand in ECB’s decision to select the three media houses, states a press release from the Prime Minister’ Office (PMO). The press release goes on to say, the advertisement revenue from the government must be spread out, to as many media houses as possible, and not just to the three that the ECB has mentioned, for a vibrant press and for democracy.
ECB’s recent circular had said, all materials and information related to elections and the ECB will be published in Kuensel, televised through Bhutan Broadcasting Service Corporation (TV) and broadcast over Kuzoo FM Radio only. “In obedience to the directives contained in the circular of 11th June, 2012 that government agencies are to publish advertisements in selected medium and not all the papers at the same time…” states the circular.
The ECB had sent the circular after they received a circular from the Ministry of Finance (MoF) stating that many government agencies are still not following the directives contained in the MoF’s circular of June 26, 2007. The June 2007 circular says the advertisement services should be procured from the print media companies depending on the budget availability, type of advertisement and the reach.
The recent MoF circular says there is no need to have advertisement put in all papers at the same time. “The type of media used must be most suitable and appropriate in terms of budget availability, type of advert and reach required,” states the circular.
The press release from the PMO’s office says the circular clearly directs the government agencies to apply cost cutting measures not only in government advertisement but across the board. “This circular was sent mainly to rationalise government expenditure and as part of the government’s belt-tightening exercise,” says the release.
The release also says the recent circular from the Ministry of Finance was not directed to the Election Commission of Bhutan alone but to all government agencies.