Druk Phuensum Tshogpa (DPT) was not engaged in any negotiation over horse-trading with any party, a press release from the Party states. The press release talks, at length, about Druk Nyamrup Tshopga’s (DNT) Phuentsholing candidate, Jai Bir Rai, who apparently was approached by DPT to join their Party.
The release says after the results of the primary round, Jai Bir Rai had called former Lyonpo Thakur S. Powdyel, several times, to congratulate him. “Since Thakur S. Powdyel was busy attending to friends and well-wishers he was not able to take Jai Bir Rai’s calls immediately. As soon as he managed to find time he called Jai Bir and took the opportunity to congratulate him too for the win that his party secured in his constituency.”
The release also goes on to say Thakur S. Powdyel called many other candidates too, including party presidents. He even went to visit many of the candidates who lost. “Whatever exchanges took place between Thakur S. Powdyel and Jai Bir Rai were personal, based purely on the teacher-student relationship nurtured over many years and it shouldn’t be seen or taken in any other context.”
It says the interactions at the personal and individual level should not be construed as having a bearing on the belief or the conduct of the party too. “Jai Bir Rai, whom his teacher Thakur S Powdyel considers to be a brilliant, sensible and upright person should be in the best position to explain the incident as it transpired.”
Similarly, the press released says, the former minister Nandalal Rai had called Jai Bir Rai to congratulate the victory of DNT in Phuentsholing Constituency. “Since he or his party would not be contesting in the General Elections Nandalal requested Jai Bir Rai, as a fellow Lhotshampa, and at the personal level, to support Druk Phuensum Tshogpa. Beyond this no offer, directly or indirectly, was made to Jai Bir Rai to join as a candidate.”
Jai Bir Rai, when contacted, said he has no comment.