Dorji Lopen of Zhung Dratshang presided over the Dechhok-Zhijay-Wangdrak Jingseg at the Punakha Dzong today. More than a hundred monks conducted the fire ritual to overcome the ongoing Novel Coronavirus in other countries and to prevent from spreading in the country.
The monk body also recited Sangay Menlha, the Buddha of Medicine.
According to the Letshog Lopen, Sangay Dorji, Zhijay-Wangdrak fire offerings is performed mainly to:
“Zhi means to bring peace and harmony by overcoming all those diseases and other untoward incidences. Jay means to develop the economic power and bring immeasurable fortunes in the country and is also the main ritual for the successful achievement of any works. Likewise, Wang is being performed since it is essential for the sustainable sovereignty and security of the country. Drak is to protect from the enemies from both the outside and inside the country. Moreover, performing all these four rituals together is an annual event of the country and this time we are conducting specifically to overcome the deadly diseases outside the country.”
As per the order from the central monastic body, Dratshangs across the country has started performing Kurims.
Changa Dorji