A group of students and a teacher of Mendrelgang Middle Secondary School in Tsirang are carrying out a research on diversity of moth in the school campus. So far the team has identified 55 different types of moth on the campus.
Students have been collecting month for the past three months as part of a science exhibition. The students are being assisted by the biology teacher. The moths collected are identified and preserved. Photographs are taken to seek help from online moth researchers to identify the species.
The teacher said not much research has been done on moths in the area. Jatishwor Singh said he wants create a data base on moths in the area for future reference. It is also meant encourage students into such research work. He added that one of the main problems faced in the lack of equipment.
Despite the problems, it has been beneficial for the students. They are now able to identify the moths they find within the school campus.
The biology teacher who initiated the research has also created a page on Facebook for other moth enthusiasts in the county to upload and identity the moths. The diversity of the moth within the school campus will be studied throughout the year.