Druk Phuensum Tshogpa says that they are worried about the other political parties politicising the military and religious institutions. This was pointed out at a press conference, yesterday afternoon. The party said the press conference was called to talk on political developments and justify on the issues raised by other parties in the common forums.
Speaking at the press conference, the DPT’s South Thimphu Thromde candidate, Yeshey Zimba, said the common forum is getting much more unpleasant. He said other political parties have been politicising the security forces by making pledges such as allowances and benefits.
“At the time of drafting of the Constitution, we have decided that military is an important force. In so many countries we have incidences where executive have misused the power to stay in power to deal with people they don’t agree with. We don’t want this to happen in our country. It is a small country.”
Yeshey Zimba said that other political parties have also been making pledges to the Religious Institutions such as better benefits and placing a doctor each in the institutions. He said though people are intelligent to figure out whether it is feasible or not, it is politicizing the religious bodies.
The DPT’s South Thim Thromde Candidate also expressed that common forum should be discontinued. He said though the forum was conceived with noble objective of bringing people together, the ground reality is different. The common forums he said subtlety or directly ends up criticising each other. “…There are highly charged people in same hall listening to criticism and encouraging people to be louder. I am worried that politics would become much more dangerous than it is at the moment. While the common forum has lot of benefits .I think these needs to be discontinued”
Yeshey Zimba also added that people are also showing disinterest to attend the common forum. He said that for election officials and a few party supporters no one turned up for common forum of South Thim Thromde at YHSS hall.