Bearing in mind the current state of the economy the Cabinet has decided on adopting austerity measures to curb unnecessary and excessive spending until economic situation improves in the Country.
With regard to the pay scale for ministers, the Cabinet decided not to adopt the new pay scale as recommended by the National Assembly in 2010. The recommendation stated that pay scales for the Ministers of the Second Parliament was to be increased from Nu.78,000-1,560- 85,800 to Nu.1,80,000-3,600-1,98,000 for the Prime Minister and Nu.1,30,000-2,600-1,43,000 for Cabinet Ministers and equivalent posts.
However, the Cabinet decided that the existing pay scale will be applied for the Prime Minister and the Ministers with effect from July 27 July 2013, the day His Majesty the King conferred upon Dakyen to the Prime Minister and the Ministers.
For the accommodation, Prime Minister has decided to live in his private residence and spare the official residence for continued use as a State Guesthouse.
Meanwhile, Cabinet Ministers will have to mandatorily occupy the residences. The Cabinet also decided that the security personnel for the Prime Minister and the Ministers shall be reduced to bare minimum and no pilot escort will be used for movements within Thimphu and Paro. Ex-country travel by the Prime Minister and the Ministers will also be kept to bare a necessity.
It was decided that there should be no formal reception or see-off line at the airport. Moreover Chadri arrangements should be confined to events involving Royal Family Members, Zhung Dratshang and that are of national significance only. “No excessive expenditure shall be incurred for extending hospitality and entertaining guests by the Ministers. Government entertainment for official purposes should be reduced to bare essential. The Ministry of Finance is directed to revise the existing circulars on government entertainments and hospitality,” the press release stated.
The Prime Minister has decided to use the old Toyota Prado vehicle on his duty. The Cabinet Ministers will use one of the pool vehicles available with the ministries. It was decide that no new vehicle will be procured by the government until the economic situation improves. Meanwhile, Maruti Wagon_R cars provided for secretarial duty of the Ministers will be returned for pool use in the ministries.
The Cabinet decided that there will be no political appointments made in the Cabinet Secretariat. Instead, the Prime Minister will look into re-organising and down-sizing the Cabinet Secretariat.