Gyelposhing Higher Secondary School campus has been flooded by snails. Today the students came out to clean up its campus off the snails. The students collected the snails in sacks and dumped it away.
“Once we know that they are not harmful, I think we can be more contended, but as of now even the research people are saying, it’s not identified species, so we are worried, it could be poisonous,” said the Principal of the school.
The number of snail has increased with the onset of rain. The researchers from Wengkhar Research and Development Centre and National Plant Protection Centre in Semtokha are looking into the matter. Few samples were taken for study.
“Since we did not have this kind of problems before in the country, we do not have any information about these snails. It is a different kind of species from what we usually find in our country. As a precautionary measure, until we find a solution we are spraying the breeding grounds around the houses and the school for now, said the Deputy Chief Research Officer, Tshering Penjor.
In the meantime, students have been advised to stay away from it. So far it was seen only in and around Gyelposhing Higher Secondary School. It was also noticed that the snails are feeding on the degradable waste produced in the school kitchen.