Promoting healthy eating in workplace

Food has a direct impact on a person’s performance and productivity. According to international research and studies, not only can healthy foods provide energy but also can make a person happier, more engaged and more creative. So, to inculcate and implement healthy eating practices in the workplace in the country, the health ministry organised a sensitisation workshop yesterday involving ministries, agencies and corporations among others.

Given the considerable time, people spend on their jobs, workplaces offer an opportunity to advocate for healthy eating. The health ministry will kick start healthy eating practices with official meetings, workshops and training among others.

“I think predominantly most of the offices, corporations, and other agencies, a lot of junk food is being served or less say unhealthy diets are being served for example fries and momos which are not very healthy. One of the key motives behind having this workshop is to advocate the importance of serving healthy refreshments and meals like fruits and vegetables and also advocating the importance of why fruits and vegetables are important,” said Kinley Wangchuk, Senior Program Officer of the department of public health under the health ministry.

Following the workshop, the participants are expected to further sensitise their workplaces and office colleagues and educate them on healthy eating.

According to the non-communicable diseases division under the health ministry, more than 85 per cent of the Bhutanese do not consume enough fruits and vegetables. Bhutanese diet is dominated by carbohydrate groups like rice and potato increasing the burden of non-communicable diseases or NCDs such as hypertension, diabetes and heart disease among others.

As per the Annual Health Bulletin 2020, NCDs accounted for more than 70 per cent of the reported deaths in the country.

Choni Dema

Edited by Sonam Pem

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