The Ministry of Information and Communications (MoIC) is looking at revamping the ‘hole in the wall’ project initiated in the country more than a decade ago. Today, as per the ministry’s assessment, almost half of the play and learn stations installed as part of the project remain either idle or damaged.
The ‘hole in the wall’ project aimed at helping children acquire computer literacy without the need for a formal education system.
Deserted by its users, today, most play and learn stations remain under lock and key. The metal boxes have gathered rust as well. 131 such stations were installed across the country through the project.
In Sarpang Dzongkhag too, the most of play and learn stations lie unutilised. People say, during its better times, many children would flock around the computer stations left free to learn on their own.
“When it was installed for the first time, many excited children gathered to use play and learn stations. But after a few years, it was remaining idle,” Karma Dendup from Umling Community Centre, said.
” It has been three months since I joined the centre, I haven’t seen anyone using it,” Karma Zangmo from Gakiling Community Centre, said.
They said the station’s location could be the reason for its remaining underutilised. The Play and Learn stations are mostly set up next to the Community Centers.
“It would be of immense benefit if the station is set up near schools. Out here, the facility is inside the gewog office area where we have a national flag hoisted. So, the users are obliged to come in formal dress.”Karma Dendup added.
The MoIC’s assessment on the station’s usage also highlighted that Play and Learn stations located near schools and settlements are serving its purpose well. So the ministry has discussed with the education ministry on relocating the stations to more convenient locations.
“We are aware of the problems. But repairing the stations would incur a huge amount. That’s why we could not do it. We also do not have engineers who can handle the works. After the project was complete, we could not retain the engineers. Nevertheless, in collaboration with the education ministry, we will ensure the project benefits our rural children,” Chencho, the Head of Promotion Division, of DITT, said.
However, the ministry is currently in short of budget for the maintenance and relocation works.
The Play and Learn stations were set up as a joint project between the department of information technology and telecom and the National Institute of Information Technology in India.