The education sector has been allocated the highest budget for the financial year 2014 to 2015. It received 17 percent of the total budget, which comes to over Nu. 6.6 billion. Of the total, Nu. 393 million is for undergraduate scholarships.
Under the scholarship, over a 1,000 undergraduate students will be given opportunities to pursue higher studies in various courses in universities and colleges in Bhutan and overseas.
The scholarship budget includes Nu. 22 million for partial scholarships to privately enrolled medical students.
Other major activities in the education sector include development of colleges under the Royal University of Bhutan.
The agriculture sector has been allocated the second highest budget for the financial year. It has received 11 percent of the total budget, which amounts to Nu. 4.3 billion.
Of that, Nu. 363 million will be used for construction and rehabilitation of irrigation channels. Nu. 284 million has been set aside for construction and improvement of farm roads including spill over farm roads.
With eight percent of the total budget, which comes to Nu. 3.2 billion, the health receives the third highest budget. Some of the major activities include construction of hospitals, rural water supply schemes, human resource development and establishment of a traditional medicine unit at Monggar Regional Referral Hospital.
About Nu. 2.9 billion have been allocated for the road sector and Nu. 2.2 billion for development of urban, housing and public amenities.