Parliament rubber-stamps PAC’s recommendation to improve efficiency of JDWNRH’s OPD

The joint sitting of the Parliament approved the recommendations made by the Public Accounts Committee (PAC) to improve efficiency of the Outpatient Department (OPD) of the National Referral Hospital.

The Jigme Dorji Wangchuck National Referral Hospital (JWDNRH) received administration and financial autonomy in 2014 to help improve its operations.

However, the Royal Audit Authority (RAA)’s performance audit carried between 2014 and 2016 saw out-patients had to wait a long time before getting to see a doctor.

It was observed that doctors were on multiple assignments, which delayed patients to consult them.

Not following token and appointment systems were among other deficiencies observed by the RAA’s report.

The RAA made 11 recommendations for the JDWNRH to make their service delivery efficient. The Parliament’s PAC in consultation with the RAA saw most recommendations were either not implemented or partially implemented.

The four recommendations passed by the joint sitting are:

  1. The RAA to follow up with the JDWNRH and present in the next parliament session on the status of the recommendations that are partially and not implemented at all.
  2. A shift system for doctors on round in medical wards and those doctors on duty in medical OPD to prevent the patients from waiting for longer durations.
  3. Efficient management and control of the token system. No out-patients should be entertained in medical wards by the doctors on round.
  4. JDWNRH to review the effectiveness of the off-hour services.

Likewise, the Royal Audit Authority studied efficiency of drinking water supply in Thimphu Thromde from 2010 till 2016.

It was found that drinking water supply in Thimphu Thromde was insufficient and inequitable.

The report also indicated water quality tests were not carried out for most reservoirs, and lacked monitoring and evaluation system for drinking water in Thimphu Thromde.


The Public Accounts Committee noticed that Thimphu Thromde has implemented only one of 15 recommendations inked by the RAA.

The Parliament recommended the RAA to follow-up on partially implemented and not implemented recommendations and to present the status in the winter session. It also recommended stronger coordination amongst relevant stakeholders in making sure the recommendations are heeded, and to discontinue the use of drinking water at car wash units in the thromde areas.

The sitting also approved recommendations to list providing adequate safe drinking water as a priority, and requested the Ministry of Works and Human Settlement, Thimphu Thromde and the RCSC to work together to address labour and expertise shortage at the Thimphu Thromde office.


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