His Majesty grants audience to DeSuups

HM with DeSuung 15th BatchHis Majesty the King granted an audience to the 15th Batch DeSuung trainees at the Military Training Centre in Tencholing, Wangduephodrang.

Addressing the 80 men and 41 women volunteers participating in the 15th DeSuung Training Programme, His Majesty spoke to the volunteers about the numerous concerns facing our country in the 21st century, and of their own roles as DeSuups.

“You are the guardians of peace, stability and happiness of our country, and the custodians of our National Identity,” His Majesty said. “Your character and attitude towards work and disposition towards service will shape our future.”

During the audience that lasted for over an hour, His Majesty encouraged the volunteers to contribute to nation building through various ways, big and small, from reading everyday to increasing the overall knowledge of society, and aspiring to create clean, well managed and beautiful surroundings that contribute to national pride and integrity, to larger visions of strengthening economy and achieving prosperity.

The 15th batch DeSuung training programme began on April 6, and concludes on May 9, and will have increased the total number of trained DeSuups in the country to 1765.


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